Frequently Asked Questions

Documentation of Quick Sync

It helps you to automate your inventory management by syncing your item's quantity across Shopify and Etsy.

Whenever an order is placed on Shopify and Etsy, the app automatically syncs the quantity change in both of your accounts.

We also products and orders with Etsy.

If you maintain your inventory in Shopify and want to automate the entire sync process of syncing with Etsy then you can utilise this feature. Any add/update/delete operation with Shopify products will get reflected in the corresponding Etsy listings.
Order syncing allows you to sync orders from etsy to shopify and update tracking number to your etsy orders directly from Shopfy's order section.
Australia Post, Canada Post, China Post, La Poste, DHL Express, DHL eCommerce, USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL Express, Hermes UK & Royal Mail.

  1. Name (Shopify) -> Name (Etsy)
  2. Description (Shopify) -> Description (Etsy)
  3. Images (Shopify) [10 Only] -> Images (Etsy)
  4. Tags (Shopify) [13 Only] -> Variants (Etsy)
  5. Variants (Shopify) -> Variants (Etsy)
  6. Variant Image (Shopify) -> Variant Image (Etsy)
  7. Product Type (Shopify) -> Shop's Section (Etsy)
  8. Price (Shopify) -> Price (Etsy)
  9. SKU (Shopify) -> SKU (Etsy)
  10. Tax (Shopify) -> Tax (Etsy)
  11. Weight (Shopify) -> Weight (Etsy)

We match products based on SKU only i.e Only SKU with valid text will be used to match.
Note: We solely rely on SKU for matching. Therefore its advisable to review your product's SKU and remove any discrepancy to avoid inventory mismatch.

Step 1 : Click on the 'Re-Fetch' button in the app's settings.
Step 2 : One finished, Click on the 'Sync Products' button.

Also make sure your products have unique SKUs (The app needs this for matching products), Alternatively you may Contact Us.

You can visit this link to get the detailed list of all our plans -

Yes, all our plans come with a 30 day free trial. If you uninstall the app within this period then you won't be getting charged at all. On top of that, we also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

You may simply uninstall the app, Shopify will automatically cancel your subscription.